A dear friend pointed out to me that I don't have many quilts photos on my blog and wasn't that contradictory to my title, 'Patchwork in the Desert'? So I am posting a picture or 2 to appease my humble following... all 2 of you!
I found the Pansy quilt at Savers, my fav thrift store. $4.99, a STEAL! Better than getting it free if you ask me! I love the colors and date it to the late 30's.
The redwork quilt is another $5 steal! My mom bought it from some kid back in the late 70's/early 80's in Newburyport, Ma. He was using it as a dropcloth and thought his mom might want him to not sell it. My mom pointed out he had paint all over it. He sold it to her for $5. Notice the 1903 date HANDSTITCHED on it! I love it! I finally wore my mom down and she passed it on to me!
You are such a good obeyer. Your following appreciates the quilt pics! Beautiful.