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I love.... God, hubby, my posse of kids, wool, jelly beans, quilting, my Canon 50d, watermelon, fabric, Philadelphia Soft Pretzels, TastyCakes, my Bunco girls, laughing, my chickens, antique quilts, buttons, sewing, photography, freshly bathed babies, camping, the sound of snow falling at night, Fiestaware, Elm Creek Quilt books, and a whole lot more! I am a Pastor's wife,a homeschooling mom, a proud Navy mom, and am just downright busy!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Today we went to Mt. Charleston w/ friends to play with our cameras. My friend is a REAL photographer, I am just a wannabe. We took our 2 chicklets with us, for a girls' day out. We had some prayer and a devotional too!

I attached an older 80 - 200mm lens that belonged to my brother-on-law's 35mm Canon, many years ago! I did not adjust any settings though, so most my pix were overexposed. However, I did find out today that you can download Adobe Lightroom for 30 days, for free! And... if I choose to purchase it, I can get a smoking deal because I am a homeschool TEACHER lady! So I can get it for $99! I think I might have to do that ; )

My chicklet

These 2 did not turn out originally, they were way overexposed. I like how Lightroom rescued them. They certainly aren't the best pix or the best objects to photograph, but I am pleased w/ the fact I can rescue them w/ a good program.

Anyway, it was a good day. The air was cooler up there and the fellowship was wonderful.
So was the Starbucks.

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