Hi! Thanks for stopping by...

I love.... God, hubby, my posse of kids, wool, jelly beans, quilting, my Canon 50d, watermelon, fabric, Philadelphia Soft Pretzels, TastyCakes, my Bunco girls, laughing, my chickens, antique quilts, buttons, sewing, photography, freshly bathed babies, camping, the sound of snow falling at night, Fiestaware, Elm Creek Quilt books, and a whole lot more! I am a Pastor's wife,a homeschooling mom, a proud Navy mom, and am just downright busy!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Our Sailor came home on July 22 for a few weeks. He headed back to Annapolis this morning, while hunks # 2 & #3 started school.  Hunk #4 and Chicklet are blessed to be homeschooled, and double-blessed because I don't have my act together quite yet, as far as that goes!  I am working on it though.

Here's 2 pictures from last night... had the camera on timer. It's not great, photography-wise, but it's great because we're all in it!

Here's more of the clan!

That's all, folks!

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