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I love.... God, hubby, my posse of kids, wool, jelly beans, quilting, my Canon 50d, watermelon, fabric, Philadelphia Soft Pretzels, TastyCakes, my Bunco girls, laughing, my chickens, antique quilts, buttons, sewing, photography, freshly bathed babies, camping, the sound of snow falling at night, Fiestaware, Elm Creek Quilt books, and a whole lot more! I am a Pastor's wife,a homeschooling mom, a proud Navy mom, and am just downright busy!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesday! Drum Roll please .....

For this last week - down 4.4 lbs and 3 inches!
Since 5/4/11, down 16.6 lbs and 10 3/4inches!
Praise God! 

My goal is to lose 9 more lbs. In the last 21 years, I have  only been about .8 lbs lower where I am now, and that was for @ 24hrs.   I don't know if this body will put up a struggle or not. I hope not. I hope it gives it up very easily and quickly!

Today is 3 weeks of no sugars, starches, fats, or dairy.  I get lots of proteins, veggies, and fruits.  The hardest part is bread/pretzels, or lack thereof.  I brought back some soft pretzels from Philadelphia and they are in the freezer, along with the TastyCakes.   When it is time, I plan to enjoy one, or 1/2, once a week. Maybe. 

I can't wait to start adding dairy back in!  Right now, my arms are pain free and I don't have to deal with allergic reactions to food. I hope the dairy doesn't add those back in. I think it will be more sugary and starchy foods that are the culprit for me. I will just have to continue to make the right choices and listen to how they make my body feel.

I am learning discipline and obedience! 

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